THINGS TO BE PONDER... Negative thinking cripples a person's life to one degree or another. It robs people of the opportunity to live up to their full potential and achieving their greatest desire and aims.. article by Peggy McColl So many people want to do great things. So many people dream of being a person who changes the world through some great work written, a great deed of courage performed, or great act of compassion rendered to those in need. But the negative feeling of "I just can' do it" robs people of that chance to make good on their dreams - Maria Fontaine HOW TO ELIMINATES THIS POISON? Think positive! WE ARE SO VALUABLE and that should raise our self-esteem and self-value.. If you've been negative ABOUT YOURSELF in the past, turn over a new life and become someone who is so positive that you'll be able TO INFLUENCE OTHERS LIVES FOR THE BETTER! -SHARED BY A FRIEND FROM FROPKL.COM